Black and white photo of 8 Firestone Employees who took courses at Gaston College. Front row, L-R: Myrtle Collette, Barbara Galloway, Cornelia Carringer, Geneva Ballenger,Don Sills. Back row L-R: Fred J. Davis, F. B. Harrison, C. W. Donaldson.
Firestone Officials visit Gastonia Mill
During the anniversary program marking completion of Firestone Textiles’ 20 years of operation in Gastonia, Company officials were on hand to tour the local plant, and greet members of the Firestone organization. Shown during a tour on May 5, are Harold Mercer, General manager of Firestone Textiles; and J. E. Trainer, Executive Vice President of The Firestone Tire & rubber company, as they greeted Faye Oakes, an employee. Mr. Trainor was principal speaker at a banquet Thursday night, honoring 100 employees who have completed a total of 2,00 years of service to Firestone Textiles.
Firestone Shoes
Black and white photograph of multiple pairs of Firestone-branded shoes
Firestone Textile Paychecks
Ernest KIeenum Checking Inventory of Paint Cans
Black and white photo of man writing on clipboard. Paint cans on shelves in background
Examining Fire Extinguishers
Black and white photograph of 4 men, 2 uniformed, examining fire extinguishers
Vera Frye and Geraldine Woodberry Tying Warp
Black and white photograph of Vera Frye and Geraldine Woodberry tying warp onto loom.
Annie Hyelman
Black and white photograph of Firestone Employee Annie Hyelman.
At Work on New Fabric Treating Unit at Gastonia Firestone Mill
Black and white photograph of worker atop steel structure
All-Stars of the Harold Mercer Little Tar Heel Baseball League
Black and white photo of boy’s baseball team posing with awards. Photo also found in the September 1968 issue of the Firestone News, which has the caption as follows: “Jimmy Dobbins (standing, center) received trophy honoring him as most outstanding player in Harold Mercer Little Tar Heel League for 1968 season. In photo (front, from left); Ted Warlick, Woody Lunsford, Danny Self, Ralph Rhyne, Wilson Foy, Jimmy Valintine, Scott Nesheim and (standing, from left); Robert McKenzie, Mike Johnson, Chris Giles, Harold Mercer (for whom league is named), Jimmy Dobbins, Randy Bridges, James Baker, Bruce Hopper, Phillip Cherry.”