Subject: Labor and unionization
Decade: 1920s
Subcollection: Strikes and Labor Organization, 1929-1993
Transcription: FIRST CLASH IN THE MILL BARONS' COURT IN GASTONIA JULY 29 / The trial of the Gastonia mill strikers and National Textile Workers Union Organizers opens in Gastonia. During this preliminary trial, Judge Barnhill, granted change of venue to Mecklenburg County, 20 miles away, where prejudice against the prisoners is just as viciously worked up by the mill barons. 1. The Defense attorney; 2. the defendants; 3. Judge Barnhill; 4. Where the prosecution attorneys are supposed to sit. There are 15 of them altogether, the most able defense of private pillage in the state; 5. Callie McGinnis, a 72 year old woman, who was choked and beaten by the Gastonia police on June 7.
City & County: Gastonia (N.C.); Gaston County (N.C.)
Contributor: Lucy R. Penegar Collection