On this page, you can search the Loray Mill 1920 Census records, and you can also view the 1920 Sanborn Fire Maps of Gastonia. Scroll below the map to find a list of all Loray Mill inhabitants.
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“A.B.” Dalton (909 West Third Avenue)
“C.J.” Hankin (807 West Second Avenue)
“J.B.” Sanders (1112 West Second Avenue)
Able Kirkland (909 Warburton)
Ada May Yandel (818 West Franklin Avenue)
Ada Smith (205 South King Street)
Ada Taber (209 South Liberty Street)
Adde Carmen (316 South Liberty Street)
Addie Adams (1103 West Fourth Avenue)
Addie Brackett (212 South Highland Street)
Addie Crockett (1130 West Sixth Avenue)
Affie O. Vickers (811 West Second Avenue)
Agnes Barber (1006 Avenue B)
Agnes Kirby (316 South Highland Street)
Agustus Sansing (1015 West Fourth Avenue)
Albert Davis (216 South Highland Street)
Albert Fowler (109 North Liberty Street)
Albert Johnson (309 South Liberty Street)
Albert Kirkland (909 Warburton)
Albert L. Probt (109 South Weldon Street)
Albert Reeves (1103 West Third Avenue)
Albert Rogers (107 South Ransom Street)
Alex Adams (Bradley Row)
Alex Bridges (211 South Highland Street)
Alex Kirkland (909 Warburton)
Alexander E. Hill (322 South Liberty Street)
Alfred Hill (701 West Second Avenue)
Alfred Meadows (913 West Second Avenue)
Alfreda Sandifer (1115 West Fourth Avenue)
Alice Dryman (325 South Ransom Street)
Alice Jarrett (210 South Millen Street)
Alice Poteet (108 South Millon Street)
Alie Hull (903 West Franklin Avenue)
Allen G. T. McDaniel (907 Brunett)
Allie Brackett (1104 West Fourth Avenue)
Allie Brooks (1129 West Third Avenue)
Allie Davis (914 West Third Avenue)
Allie Garland (305 South King Street)
Allie Guthrie (216 South Liberty Street)
Allie L. Sherrill (108 South Firestone)
Allie M. Cloud (327 South Vance Street)
Allie Marshall (910 West Second Avenue)
Allie McCury (104 North Liberty Street)
Allie Morrison (102 South Dalton Street)
Allie Phillips (214 South Liberty Street)
Allie Stanford (802 West Second Avenue)
Alma Fullbright (211 South Liberty Street)
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