Pay envelope showing salary drawn and expenses deducted for Robert Passmore
People Examining Textile Machinery
Black and white photo of group of people (mostly women) looking at textile machine.
People Posing in Field
Black and white photo of three people, perhaps farmers, posing for photograph in a field
Biography of Mildred Gwin Andrews
Typed biography of textile mill worker, Mildred Gwin Andrews
Spinning Room, Loray Mill, circa 1930
Spinning room, Loray Mill
Spooler Room, Loray Mill, circa 1930
Spooler room, Loray Mill
Wage Envelope, 1932
Pay envelope showing wages drawn by Robert Passmore, May, 1932
Laborers Picking Cotton
Black and white photo of people & child picking cotton. probably near Memphis TN
Letter from Loray Mill Employee
Letter-Loray Mill Donor is Bill H. Roberts
Letter to R.S. Fluke
Postcard from someone working for George Fries’ Sons, to R.S. Fluke