Loray: Where the Boss is Your Friend
Men and Women on Trial, Gastonia, N.C., 1929
National Guard in Front of Striker Food Headquarters
Black and white photo of 2 National Guardsmen and a sheriff’s deputy guarding striking workers’ food supply building, 1929 strike
National Guard Posing at Central School
National Guard troops posing in front of Gastonia’s Central School during 1929 strike.
National Guard Troops Pose with a World War I Howitzer in Front of Loray Mill
National Guard troops quartered at the Loray Mill during the 1929 strike. Howitzer is an M1916 37mm cannon
Firestone Plant After the Union
Color photograph of Firestone mill after accepting the URW union
Flags Flying Atop Mill Tower
Black and white photo of flags flying on top of Firestone Textiles plant tower.
Flags Raised Under Stormy Skies
Color photograph of United Rubber Workers and Firestone flags flying together on adjacent flagpoles
Flying the URW flag
Color photograph of United Rubber Workers and Firestone flags flying together on adjacent flagpoles