Black and white photograph of 2 men in shirts and ties examining machinery on floor of Firestone plant
Margery N. Monteith Cleaning Glass
Black and white photograph of woman cleaning glass window
Margery N. Monteith Washing Window
Black and white photograph of woman cleaning large glass window or door
Marion Davis Inside Mill
Back of photograph: “Marion Davis”
Mary Ann Jackson, Firestone Switchboard Operator
Black and white photograph of African American woman answering phones at Firestone offices
Meeting at Firestone Mill
Black and white photo of men around a table to meet; publication rubber in foreground.
People Touring Firestone Textiles
Black and white photo of young visitors to Firestone Mills, most likely during the 20th anniversary celebration
Melvin Boone Servicing Rollers
Color photograph of man making repairs to machinery inside mill
Personality Development Class
Black and white photograph of man lecturing to group of workers
Members of the Hunter Huss High School Health Occupation Class at Firestone Plant
Black and white photo of a group of members of the Gastonia Hunter Huss High School Health Occupation class. Row 1 (left to right): Allison Cain, Rita Carpenter, Teresa Taylor, Kim Griffin, Jeanne Weaver, Peggy Lovelace (Firestone nurse). Row 2 (1-r): Teresa Crump, June Reid, Cindy Manning, Gloria Tyner,Mike Henry. Row 3: Lisa Warren, Susan Monk, Pam Crisp, Brenda Whitworth 4: Cheryl Hunnicutt, Susan Pope, Jackie Hardin, Cindy Seagle.