Black and white photo of 2 men in military uniform, 1 standing at podium in front of Firestone Textiles building. Building is decorated with flags and bunting. WGNC microphone in foreground
Firestone Mill Business Luncheon
Black and white photo of a business luncheon. Firestone banner on wall in background.
Firestone Mills Business Luncheon
Black and white photo of a business luncheon. Firestone banner on wall in background. Harold Mercer center right.
Gaston County 100th Anniversary Display in Front of Administration Building, Firestone Mill
Black and white photo of 4 men in front of display celebrating Gaston County’s 100th anniversary
Green Ticket to Firestone Children’s Christmas Party, 1972
Image of ticket for Firestone Mills’ Christmas party for children; 9:00 a.m. admittance
Last Clock-In
Color photograph of retiring woman clocking into work for last time
Executives Speaking at Event
Black and white photo of two men speaking at a formal event
Employees Gathered in Gastonia Plant
Color photograph of many employees gathered together inside mill
Employees Gathered in Office
Color photograph of several Firestone employees socializing in office
Employees Gathered in Firestone Plant
Color photograph of many employees gathered together inside mill