Color photograph of many employees gathered together inside mill
Retiring Employee at Machine
Color photograph of female Firestone employee posed at machine during retirement party
Young Women at Firestone Mills
Black and white photo of two women standing outside Firestone Mills, laughing at something
Entrance to Mill at Firestone Open House, 1955
Photo of welcome sign for 1955 open house at mill in celebration of 20 years of Firestone operations; includes view of mill front entrance and landscaping
Retiring Employee in Mill
Color photograph of man posed inside mill
1955 Open House Plant Tours
Image of schedule for 1955 Firestone Mill Open House plant tours, part of activities celebrating the 20th anniversary of Firestone in Gastonia.
Refreshment Break on Safety Recognition Day
Black and white photograph of 3 women taking break inside mill
Parade Down Main Street, Gastonia
Sepia photo of parade spectators, band and drum major Maxwell Bros & Morris store in background
Playing Tug-of-War, Textile Week, 1983
Black and white photo of group, including Sandra Huss, playing tug-of-war at Textile Week, 1983
Raffle Tickets at a Party
Black and white photo people voting (raffle tickets at party?).